Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wow, it's been a looooong time.

So, I'm making an effort to start actually posting on this damn thing. I still have no earthly clue what it's about. I optimistically named the blog "Storming the castle," but the castle is still a little vague.

For now, I think I'll post about things that I like, so I'm going to start with the best movie I've seen in a while. The Artist which is the story of an actor who struggles to make the transition between silent films and the the "talkies." He doesn't make the transition gracefully. The movie made the film geek living inside me squee with delight. Everything about the movie was perfect. It really made me appreciate the use of sound in film, which is something that often goes unnoticed. The black and white film was a master choice and the cinematography was exquisite.

More than it's technical beauty, though, The Artist spoke of the world today. We're living in a time of sweeping change. Unrest and revolution in the "Arab World", global financial crisis, global protests, single issue politics (o.k. maybe that isn't so different), and major uncertainty about the future are all swirling in a vortex that spells Change. The biggest thing to take from The Artist is its message about change. It's better to be flexible, to bend when you need to so that you don't break when the going gets worse than it already is. I wish that the politicians and leaders of the world (both right and left) would wake up to that fact. It isn't about who wins or loses elections, it's about the people whose lives we touch and the people who touch our lives.

Next time I'll post something lighter, like a craft.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Randa. This was a good post--made me want to see the movie. Hope to see you in Knoxville in April!
    best, nadia
